Navigating the Paris Agreement: Commitments and Strategies, when planning for Sport and Leisure Facilities - May 29th
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With the shared commitment to mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment, 196 countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015. 
This landmark agreement is dedicated to concerted efforts in limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

But how do we get there?

Join us in this webinar as we explore ways to actively contribute to the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. Together, we will explore the integration of sustainable strategies in the planning and construction of sports facilities and show benchmark examples.


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Introduction: Andre Flatner, president.  IAKS Nordic and the IAKS nordic Webinar series on Sustainabillity
Moderator: Ola Mattsson, The Danish Foundation for Sports and Leisure Facilities - IAKS board member

Reduction Roadmap
Mikkel Schlesinger, CEBRA architects
The Reduction Roadmap identifies where we are today, where we need to go, and the speed at which we must reduce our carbon emissions to reach Earth’s safe operating space. (Confirmed)

The Sustainability Hierarchy
Oliver Vanges, The Danish Foundation for Sports and Leisure Facilities.
What are the strategic questions that need to be raised when planning sustainable sports and leisure life facilities.

Organization of Sport Facilities and Public Value
Peter Forsberg, Ph.D. - IDAN. 
Can we increase the public and social value of our sport facilities without building?

Street Mekka Viborg
Tue Foged, Creative Director and Co-founder of Effect Architects, explains how an old disused windmill factory is transformed into a prize-winning architectural project with enormous local impact on a low budget.

Trail Center Silkeborg
Casper Lindemann, DIF, explains how a sustainable bottom-up project invites to use the forest as the sport facility of the future. (Pending)  

Committing to Paris agreement 2
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