IAKS Nordic Branch meeting / Study trip to Helsinki 18th.-19th. September 2024

Welcome to the Branch meeting and Study tour in Helsinki, September 18th.-19th. September 2024

The primary goal of this branch meeting is to unite the Finnish public and private sectors. We’re bringing together municipalities, architects, designers, organizations, and companies that share a passion for sports and leisure facilities, as well as promoting active lifestyles. It’s an opportunity to connect with the IAKS Nordic team, exchange knowledge, and explore new ideas.

Key themes include an introduction to IAKS Nordic—who we are and what we do. We’ll also delve into the Swedish study on inclusive design in changing rooms, examine the Danish perspective on challenging outdated concepts, and hear insights from the UK on thinking differently.


Welcome to the Branch meeting and Study tour in Helsinki

Use the QR code / click on the image to register! Maximum of 40 spots available.
The registration deadline is September 16th.

Accommodation options:
If you plan on staying for two days we recommend you booking a room at:
Hotel AX | Taidehotelli Helsinki  
Use the code: EVENTSHELSINKI (15% off) 

For more questions concerning the days please contact:

Jarkko Rantamäki
Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto
Opetus- ja kulttuuritoimi -vastuualue
0295 018 832, 050 351 2556
PL 5
13035 AVI


Wednesday 18.9.2024, Branch meeting
Konepajankuja 3 B, 00510 Helsinki

Leave the train in Pasila Station, about 15 min walking or Tram 9 to Länsiterminaali (leave at Sturenkatu H0654), 
Bus nro. 500 to Itäkeskus (Sturenkatu H0654), 510 to Herttoniemi (Sturenkatu H0654), & 59 (Telekatu H2176)

11.00 – 12.00 Lunch at rooftop Loi loi (same building)
12.00 Welcome to the city of Helsinki, Vision of Sports and Recreation 2024 – 2033
-    Head of unit Minna Paajanen, city of Helsinki, Unit for The Promotion of Physical Activity Sports. 
-    Special planner Kimmo Isotalo, city of Helsinki, Unit for The Promotion of Physical Activity Sports.

12:45 IAKS Nordic – Who we are, what we do
-    Andre Flatner, President of IAKS Nordic

13:00 IAKS Nordic, Strategic plan, activity calendar, Cologne FSB
-    Members from Finland present themselves.    

13:30 Inclusive design in changing rooms
-    Operations Coordinator Daniel Glimvert, The Swedish Center for sport and outdoor facilities
14:00 Coffee break
14:15 “Why hold on to outdated concepts?”
-    Ola Mattsson, Development Consultant, the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sport Facilities Team Sports. 
“Thinking differently”
-    Architect Mike Lawless, LA Architects Ltd
15:30 Discussion concerning the days topics.16:30 Check in to the Hotel.
19:00 Dinner

Thursday 19.9.2024 Study trips
Prepare for walking around in the different parts of Southern Helsinki.
Pack lightly if possible.

9.00 Visiting Jätkäsaari; An urban part of the city with a twist of leisure activities Planners perspective; Jyrki Inkinen, city of Helsinki.
11:00 Lunch at Oodi Helsinki Central Library
12:00 – 13.00 visiting Oodi Helsinki Central Library, Head of Media Culture Unit Robert Seitovirta, City of Helsinki
13:15 – 14:30 walk through newly renovated Töölönlahti park; Jere Saarikko, project manager/landscape architect, City of Helsinki

Study trip ends about 15:00
Short walk to the Helsinki railway station, which will take you also to the airport.