DATE: 09.05.2022
TIME: 13:00-13:50
PLACE: Teams-meeting
President André Flatner welcomed the IAKS Nordic general assembly. A total of 18 eligible voters
Appointment of a chairman to preside over the meeting:
The election of Andrè Flatner as chair of the meeting was unanimously approved.
Annual Report:
The annual report was briefly summarized and was unanimously approved.
The board is working on a strategy document and activity-plans for the coming years and will send this out to the members for comments at the end of summer.
Approval of accounts for the past income year:
A short brief on the financial situation. The income comes mainly from the membership fee. The financial situation in the organization is good. In order to maintain the financial balance, we need to focus on membership recruitment.
Daniel Glimvert asked questions about the costs in connection with the dinner hosted by IAKS Nordic at the IAKS International Conference in Cologne. Ola Mattson Informed that the LOA fund took the cost of about 20,000 DKR. Ola Matsson raises the issue with Karl Andersen, our accountant, where these costs are entered in the account. Information will be sent out after the meeting.
Presentation of the budget for the following income year and determination of membership fee for the following year:
The budget for the following income year and membership fee for the following year was unanimously approved.
There are no changes in membership fees this year.
Appointment of members of The Board elected for two years:
Ola Mattson, Nils-Olof Zethrin, Flemming Overgaard and Jarkko Rantamäki was elected for The Board for two years. The members were unanimously elected.
Appointment of President elected for one year:André Flatner was unanimously elected as President for one year.
Appointment of substitutes for members of The Board for one year:
Lisa Mari Watson and Camilla Lindh was elected as substitute members of the board for one year.
Appointment of accountant:
LOA - fonden by Karl Andersen was unanimously elected as appointment of accountant.
Processing of the received items for the agenda:
It is not received any other items for the meeting.
Any other business:
The board asks the members to bring items to the board. It is possible to attend board meetings to present items.
Bjørg Liljedal